Let it ride is one of my personal favorites to play both online and at the real casinos. It was easy for me to learn how to play let it ride, and the game presents an opportunity to hit a big score with a small investment. You can practice your let it ride game by using one of our visit site links to go to Bodog after you have read our primer on learning let it ride. The game is briefly described below, but the best way to learn how to play let it ride is simply to practice.
General Let It Ride Game Play:
Like in most casino games, you are playing let it ride against the dealer and not against the other players. This makes it more fun because everyone can win at the same time, and a winning table is usually a fun table. In most casinos you must place 3 bets to start the hand, but in some casinos it is played a little differently, mainly online. Online you just place one bet to begin the hand, and you raise if you want to continue. Let?s start with the usual method first. So you want to place bets in all three spots to begin with, and then you are dealt 3 cards face down. At this point you must decide if you would like to continue the hand. If you would like to continue you with the hand you motion to the dealer to stop and he/she will leave your 2nd bet in play. You can also choose to pull your 2nd bet back if you don?t have a good hand (I will explain starting hand requirements below). The dealer will then flip over one card, and this card will be used as part of your hand. You must now decide to whether or not to leave your 3rd bet up, or you can pull it back if you still don?t have a good hand. The dealer will then flip over his second card, which is also used as part of your hand. You know have a 5 card hand, and if you have a pair of tens or better you will win. The standard payouts for the hands are below, and you will be paid for each live bet that you still have. If you let it ride every card and you have a winner, you will be paid on all 3 bets. If you pulled 2 bets back you will only be paid on the one remaining bet. The standard pay table is listed below.
Pair (10s or better) even
Two pairs 2 to 1
Three of a kind 3 to 1
Straight 5 to 1
Flush 8 to 1
Full house 11 to 1
Four of a kind 50 to 1
Straight flush 200 to 1
Royal flush 1000 to 1
The alternative method of playing the game is only to make one bet to begin the hand, rather than 3. If you want to continue after looking at your first three cards, you then make an additional wager equal to your first bet. After the dealer flips his first card you have the option to make another bet, equal to your original bet. It?s all semantics really, as both ways you have an opportunity to make one bet, two bets, or three bets. These second way of betting is commonly used in online casino games. As you can see you don?t have to learn how to play any differently, it?s just the betting is a little bit different.
Strategy and Side Bet:
The basic strategy says that after looking at three cards you should continue with any pair that is tens or higher, as you know it will be a winner. You should also continue with 3 cards to a straight flush, or any 3 cards in a row that are ten or higher (for example 10-Jack-Queen or Queen-King-Ace). After four cards you should continue with a pair of tens or better, any four to a flush, or any four to an outside straight (like 4567 but not 4568 as all four cards need to be consecutive).
There is also a side bet that you can make, that is called the pair plus bonus. This is a one time bet, and needs no additional action from you. You simply put your bet up, and you collect if you have a pair or better in your first three cards. You will also get paid for a three card straight or a three card flush.